Earth day…

Earth day is on april 22nd.

Almost half of the food in the u.s. so a lot of people are hungry.

Recycling reuse and remanufacturing account for 3.1 million jod in u.s.

The first earth was celebrated on April 22nd 1017.

Half the world’s tropical and temperate fort and now gone because of us.

Day’s are day but earth day is not just a day.

A time to reflect on our person impact on the environment is on earth day.

You get to help mother earth be in better shape.

child labor…

My thoughts about child labor is that it was very very bad because it had girls and boys at the age of 6 and above working.The children worked for 16 hours.Most of the children died or where injured badly and had no schooling in them.if thy where late or had to take a sick day there pay was docked. Those days where horrible but will hopefully never happen again.Those are my thoughts about child labor.

Our Constitution

Becoming president is very hard because you have to get in the election.You have to be 35  or older.You have to get people to elect you and you also have to be born a natural citizen and be in the united states for at lest 14 years. There are   primaries and caucuses for example one caucus would be party members select the best candidate though a series of discussions and votes.One primary would be the party members vote for for the candidate that will represent that will represented them in the general election.But the best reason to become president is because i can help a lot of people even the  united states of america.